
The Bucks County Horse Park is a non-profit 501(c)3 corporation and relies heavily on volunteers. The Park’s loyal band of volunteers come primarily from 4 sources: Park members, educational groups (such as 4H and Pony Club), friends, local residents and family, and youth groups and students.

Park Members

who volunteer regularly receive both 10% off their membership and receive BCHP Bucks redeemable at the Park.

Educational Groups such as 4H and Pony Club members

receive heavily discounted memberships and gain valuable experience in all aspects of equestrian events.

Friends, local residents, and family members

enjoy the day at the Park in beautiful surroundings, watching the horses and making new friends with similar interests.

Youth Groups and High School Students

help in many ways as they fulfill their volunteer or community service commitment. Many have carried out projects here which have included advertising, painting jumps, decorating courses, marking trails, etc.

Whatever your skills or interests we can use your help!!

The Park runs over fifty events annually. These events require an enormous volunteer base in order to run efficiently. There are a variety of competitions to choose from, e.g. horse trials, dressage, driving, various trail competitions, and english and western shows. No experience necessary - we love to train!!

Volunteer opportunities at Horse Events include:

  • Ring stewards, Gate keepers, jump crews
  • Dressage scribes
  • Judges for cross country fences or obstacles at a driving event
  • Announcers and Hospitality
  • Scoring and Registration

Other Volunteer Opportunities

Bring your energy, skills, muscle, and creativity! These opportunities can be done at any time with prior arrangement:

  • Landscaping and planting (drop off any unwanted plants or bulbs here or come and help plant them)
  • Painting signs and jump buildings
  • Jump building and design
  • Decorating and building courses
  • Marketing and Advertising
  • Fundraising

If you are interested please contact us or drop in the office for more information.

Benefits of Volunteering

  • Meet New People
  • Learn new disciplines
  • Enjoy a day in the Park
  • 10% Discount Membership (8 hour minimum requirement)
  • BCHP Bucks (can be used on schooling show entries and Memberships)

The top Volunteer and the Special Junior Volunteer are honored awarded prizes at the Year End Award Banquet.

A special thank you to all the Park Volunteers we couldn’t manage these events without you.